
KVK Annual Report 2023: doing business in heavy weather and the Data Vision

Global conflicts, natural disasters, and sweeping political developments left their mark on 2023. At the same time, the labour market became tighter and inflation rose. Sustainability became a higher priority due to climate change. The world changed and entrepreneurs moved with it. KVK has an important role to play as a signpost and advisory partner.

It became increasingly clear in 2023 that besides corona, (tax) debts, and higher (energy) costs, entrepreneurs were in trouble due to lack of financial know-how or limited access to finance.

Heavy weather

Questions to the KVK Zwaar Weer Team (business in trouble team) increased in 2023: advisers from KVK not only answered over 2,800 questions from entrepreneurs about debt, quitting, or moving on, but also offered a listening ear. KVK referred entrepreneurs in trouble -if necessary- to partners such as Stichting Ondernemersklankbord (OKB) and Over Rood.

Data vision: better business, better protected data

The Data Vision (Datavisie) stands for the future-proofing of the Business Register. Together with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Affairs (EZK), KVK is bringing about changes in laws and regulations to that end. Those changes will give KVK more opportunities to better protect entrepreneurs' privacy. In addition to the steps taken with EZK in 2023, KVK employees themselves also provided input. During meetings throughout the country, they shared their questions, concerns, and ideas on the core of the Data Vision: how does KVK put the privacy of registered businesses first, while keeping an eye on legal certainty?

Business Register of the future

Agreements have been made with various service providers. Close consultations with these parties have led to agreements about the conditions KVK attaches to the use of Business Register data. In 2024, KVK will continue with the implementation of the Datavisie for the Business Register. The starting point is the EZK letter to the lower house of parliament, the Tweede Kamerbrief. In close cooperation with EZK and colleagues, the Business Register of the future will take further shape.

The KVK annual report shows KVK's commitment to these issues. View the annual report (pdf, in Dutch) including a full explanation of the 2023 financial figures.