Supplier's declaration of origin (LVO)

A Supplier’s declaration for goods of non-preferential origin ('Leveranciersverklaring voor goederen van niet-preferentiële oorsprong', LVO) serves to prove the origin of the products in question. You need an LVO to apply for a Certificate of Origin ('Certificaat van Oorsprong', CVO) from KVK.

Some destination countries outside the EU require a Certificate of Origin (CVO) if you wish to import products into their country. They may wish to bar products from certain countries for political, economic, or health reasons. EU companies can use an LVO as proof to apply for a CVO.

Using a Supplier's declaration of origin (LVO)

You can use an LVO to prove the origin of trade products that you or your client wish to export.

1. You export products yourself

If you purchase products that you wish to export with a CVO yourself, you have to request an LVO from your supplier. Your supplier may only issue an LVO if they are located in the EU. If they are located outside the EU, request a CVO from their country as proof.

2. Your client exports products purchased from you

Your client buys products from you that they wish to export to a country that requires a CVO. Suppliers can issue an LVO at a client’s request, which they can then use to apply for a CVO. Make sure to familiarise yourself with the rules of origin in advance and verify that your product complies with them before issuing an LVO. This way, you ensure that your client is getting reliable information.

Non-preferential origin

Products are of non-preferential origin (in Dutch) if they are ‘wholly obtained’ in a country or territory or a ‘sufficient transformation’ has taken place in the country of manufacture. To find out what these concepts mean and how to assess the non-preferential origin of a product, read the article on the Certificate of Origin.


You buy handmade backpacks from a Spanish producer, which you export to Qatar. Customs in Qatar require a CVO to import the goods. You apply for the CVO at KVK, for which you need proof of origin. Your Spanish supplier can issue an LVO at your request, demonstrating where the products you purchased were made. The main final processing took place in the Spanish producer's own workshop. As a result, the producer mentions the Spanish origin on the LVO.

Download supplier's declaration of origin (LVO)

There are 2 types of LVOs in 4 languages: one for single use and one for repeat use.

1. For single use

A single-use supplier’s declaration is valid for 1 shipment of commercial products. Download the declaration on the downloadpages (in Dutch) below.

2. For repeated use

A repeat-use supplier’s declaration applies to a regular shipment of trade goods. Download the declaration on the downloadpages (in Dutch) below.

Completing an LVO form

The LVO tells you how to fill out the various fields. Some important considerations:

  • Check that the products you are supplying or purchasing comply with the rules of origin.
  • Describe the goods on the LVO clearly, so you can identify them properly. Avoid general terms. 'Furniture: coffee tables made of wood, commodity code 9403 6010’ is better than just 'Furniture'.
  • If the description of goods on the LVO refers to an invoice or packing list, include it as supporting evidence.

KVK Export documents

For more information on Supplier's declarations of origin or about determining the non-preferential origin of a product, contact KVK by email or phone. Export documents region West: 088 585 18 87 or Export documents region East/South: 088 585 18 89. You can also use the chat at the bottom of this page.