Startup Box

Is your startup looking for money to realise its innovative plans? Use the Startup Box. This tool gives you insight in the available government schemes and subsidies. Suited to your situation and plans.

Use the Startup Box


Innovative startups often do not know where to find financing. Schemes and subsidies can boost your business, and make it more appealing to other investors as well.

How does it work?

The Startup Box guides you towards the scheme or subsidy most relevant to your situations, by asking you some questions. The questions and information are in English.

For whom?

The Startup Box is for innovative startups in the Netherlands, that are looking for financing to realise their plans. You can discuss the outcome with a KVK Financing Desk adviser.

Get help finding financing 

Your chances of securing financing increase when you get help from an experienced adviser. These advisers can help you set up a financing application that is more likely to get a positive result.