Board of Directors

KVK is governed by a two-person Board of Directors (‘Raad van Bestuur’). The members of the Board of Directors are collectively responsible for the management of KVK and its general operations.

Greet Prins: Chairperson

Greet Prins has been the chairperson of KVK’s Board of Directors since 1 April 2021.

RvB-lid Greet Prins

Other activities:

  • Member of the Dutch Senate
  • Member of the Supervisory Board of CZ Zorgverzekeringen
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the Centraal Administratie Kantoor (CAK)

Rodrique Engering: Client and Operations

Rodrique Engering has been a member of KVK’s Board of Directors since 1 April 2019. He was reappointed with effect from 1 April 2023.

Other activities:

  • Member of the supervisory board of Stichting Kempenhaeghe
  • Member of the Executive Board of the Manifestgroep

Portfolio structure, board regulations, and code of conduct

The Board of Directors has defined its areas of responsibility and the resulting activities in a portfolio structure (in Dutch).

Board regulations (in Dutch) have been established regarding the tasks, powers, and working methods of the Board of Directors. That includes a code of conduct which the members of the Board of Directors must follow.