KVK and the Open Government Act
- Edited 2 November 2023
- 1 min
Since 1 May 2022, the Open Government Act (Wet open overheid, Woo) regulates the right to access government information. It aims to make government information more readily accessible to everybody in the Netherlands. The Woo is the successor of the Wet Openbaarheid Bestuur (Wob).
KVK makes certain information available of its own accord. Also, anyone can submit a request for information on KVK's policies. You do not have to state a reason for submitting your request.
Not all requests for information are Woo requests. The request for information will only take place using a formal procedure if a document is not publicly accessible or cannot be issued directly. In that case, a Woo request is necessary.
Submitting an information request
Are you a journalist? You can submit your request via pers@kvk.nl.
Are you not a journalist? Then please contact us on 088 - 585 15 85.
Submitting a Woo request
You can submit your request by email: woo@kvk.nl. Do you prefer to submit your request by post? Address your letter to: Postbus 48, 3500 AA Utrecht.
In order to respond to a request adequately, we ask you to indicate as precisely as possible what information you are asking for. Use Woo (in Dutch) to check whether the information you request has already been made public. Please note that your request must concern:
- information that has been laid down in documents.
- information that KVK has access to.
- an administrative body's policy, or the preparation or execution thereof.
A KVK Woo lawyer will assess whether a request concerns KVK policy or its preparation or execution. If it does, KVK will provide the requested information, usually within 4 weeks of the application.
If the request is not clear enough, KVK can ask for more details within 2 weeks after receiving it. The 4-week period is then suspended until the applicant has reacted. If a request is too extensive to comply within the 4-week period, KVK can notify the applicant that it will need at most 2 extra weeks. KVK will notify the applicant of this within 4 weeks after receiving the application.
Which information does KVK make public of its own accord?
The information made public by KVK of its own accord is published in several places. You can easily find this information via the Woo publications overview page.
KVK already publicises the following information, all in Dutch:
KVK is still working on making other information public voluntarily, such as Woo requests and decisions, complaint procedure outcomes, research reports, and decrees.