Stimulate and connect

As a public organisation, the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK is closely connected to entrepreneurs. We are their first port of call. The many questions we answer each year give us a clear picture of what moves entrepreneurs. To boost the regional economy and the innovative powers of Dutch businesses, we are constantly on the lookout for new ways to collaborate.

We connect relevant parties, and make sure regional and national initiatives are embedded well. Our research contributes to the knowledge about the current business climate. This enables governmental parties, like municipalities, to develop and monitor their economic policies. And it provides input for initiatives to seize opportunities and remove bottlenecks.

Bruisende Binnensteden

Bruisende Binnensteden (loosely translated: Inner-city Impulses) is a unique coalition of entrepreneurs and local governments to boost the inner-city regions. KVK offers regional data (KVK Regiodata, in Dutch) that can help municipalities make the right decisions.


The nlgroeit (NL grows, in Dutch) programme connects entrepreneurs with each other and with mentors, coachers, and trainers, to enable them to take the next step towards growing their business.

KVK Business Challenge

The open innovation platform KVK Business Challenge connects innovative entrepreneurs and large corporates both physically and online, to develop new business opportunities together.

KVK Innovation Top 100

The KVK Innovation Top 100 (in Dutch) is an annual event, where we ask an independent jury to name the 100 most innovative Dutch SMEs and showcase the results, as an inspiration for other entrepreneurs.

Bedrijvendynamiek and COEN

These are reports that give insight into the business climate and current business developments. The Conjunctuurenquête Nederland (COEN, Conjuncture Inquiry Netherlands) reflects the opinions and expectations of entrepreneurs for the months to come, based on developments in the recent past. The Bedrijvendynamiek (Business Dynamics) report describes recent developments in terms of the number of companies, starting businesses, businesses ending, and bankruptcies.

KVK offers a newsletter (in Dutch) for public and non-profit organisations, for which you can sign up.