Covenant Council for the Judiciary
- 1 November 2023
- Edited 12 December 2023
- 1 min
- Open government act
Employees of the judiciary may encounter intimidation, violence, or other threatening situations because of their profession. In the event of such a foreseeable threat, employees may shield the visiting address of their company or legal entity (with the exception of a bv or nv) in the Business Register. A condition for this is that the professional association of these employees has agreed upon shielding criteria with KVK. The Raad voor de rechtspraak (Council for the Judiciary Netherlands) and KVK have set out these agreements in a covenant.
When are you eligible?
You are eligible when at least one of the following applies to you:
- You are an employer of the judiciary system.
- You have a declaration drafted by council for the judiciary or by the court administration which proves that because of your work activities - also in the past- you work or used to work for the judiciary system and you have a probable threat.
You can request to shield your visiting address with this form (in Dutch).