Enlisting help in preparation for a business transfer

There are usually multiple consultants involved in a business transfer. Each one has their own specialism. Perhaps you already know a consultant yourself. If you are looking for a consultant with a particular area of expertise, check the site of the corresponding professional associations.

Business transfer consultant

A business transfer consultant will manage the transfer process. They act as an intermediary and will call in other specialists if necessary. You can find a business transfer consultant through the Professional Organisation for Business Transfer Specialists (Beroepsorganisatie voor Specialisten in Bedrijfsoverdracht, BOBB, in Dutch).

Accountant, bookkeeper or administrative specialist

An accountant, bookkeeper or administrative specialist has in-depth knowledge of financial statements and balance sheets. They will help you gather financial information about the company you want to acquire. Sometimes, they can help manage the transfer process. You can find an accountant through the Royal Dutch Association of Chartered Accountants (Koninklijke Nederlandse Beroepsorganisatie van Accountants, NBA, in Dutch). You can find a bookkeeper or administrator through the Dutch Association of Administration and Tax Experts (Nederlandse Orde van Administratie- en Belastingdeskundigen, NOAB, in Dutch).

Tax consultant

A tax consultant can provide advice and help you prepare for the tax aspects of the business transfer process. You can contact the Registry of Tax Consultants (Register Belastingadviseurs, RB, in Dutch) or the Dutch Association of Tax Consultants (Nederlandse Orde van Belastingadviseurs, NOB, in Dutch).


During a business transfer, you can also seek help from a lawyer. They can investigate and advise you on contractual obligations. They can also draft legal documents such as a confidentiality agreement, letter of intent, purchase agreement, and sale agreement. You can find a lawyer via the Royal Notarial Association (Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie, KNB, in Dutch) or the Dutch Bar Association(Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten, NOvA, in Dutch).


A notary can take care of the transfer of shares for a bv (private limited company) and nv (public limited company), as well as advising on inheritance and family law. You can find a notary through the Royal Notarial Association (Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie, KNB, in Dutch).

Valuation expert

Want to know what your business is worth? Bring in a valuation expert. They will value your company and provide advice on value creation. That is identifying opportunities to create value within the organisation, for example through innovation, efficiency improvements or new market opportunities. You can find a valuation expert through the Netherlands Institute of Chartered Valuation Experts (Nederlands Instituut Registervaluators, NIRV, in Dutch).


Appraisers value the inventory and stock of a business being sold in a way other than a business transfer. You can find an appraiser via the Federation of Valuers Brokers Auctioneers in Movable Property (Federatie van Taxateurs Makelaars Veilinghouders in Roerende Zaken, in Dutch).


A mediator assists in disputes as a neutral third party. The mediator will handle the communication and negotiations between the parties until they reach a solution that works for everyone. You can find a mediator via the Dutch Federation of Mediators (Mediators Federatie Nederland, MfN, in Dutch).

Financial planner

A financial planner helps you map out your financial situation. They can also help you plan for your future financially. You can find a financial planner via the Federation of Financial Planners (Federatie Financieel Planners, FFP, in Dutch).

Estate planner

An estate planner advises you on how to transfer assets to future generations in the most tax-efficient way. This can be an issue when you decide to transfer your business. You can find estate planners via the Association of Estate Planners in the Notariary profession (Vereniging van Estateplanners in het Notariaat, EPN, in Dutch).

Find out more about selling your business

Check out the KVK Guidance on selling your business or go to Selling your business in six steps.

Want to take over a business?

Read more about taking over a business.