KVK link policy criteria and regulations

The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK regularly receives requests to post links on its website (www.kvk.nl). This website is primarily intended as a source of information for startups and established entrepreneurs and reports on the activities of KVK. KVK has a reserved linking policy. Requests to post web links on www.kvk.nl are reviewed against certain criteria.

The following criteria apply to third-party web links:

  • The website represents an agency that – in the opinion of KVK – contributes or can contribute in any way to the (legal) objective of KVK.
  • The content on the website fits within the KVK's assortment policy and content on kvk.nl.
  • The website and the organisation behind it are not commercial in nature. Exceptions to the previous criterion may be granted, provided that the website and/or organisation are compatible with the purpose and mission of KVK, as set forth in the Chamber of Commerce Act, and if:
    • it is a party with which KVK cooperates in performing its statutory duties (must be evident from cooperation document);
    • it is a co-organiser/participant making a significant contribution to a KVK event (must be evidenced from an agreement).
  • Only non-profit organisations that can prove their non-profit status by referring to their articles of association, ANBI status, or other evidence are considered non-commercial.
  • The landing page of the website (the page on which you arrive via the web link) is freely accessible (has no access codes, no mandatory entry of (personal) data) and can be accessed free of charge.
  • Rules, costs, and conditions related to any products and services offered are clearly stated on the website. The same applies to any membership provisions.
  • The website contains current information.
  • The website is technically accessible (retrievable without error messages, browsing the site presents no problems) and clear.
  • The website does not contain unnecessarily offensive or hurtful elements relating to groups and/or individuals or discriminatory and/or racist content.


  • The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK reviews every request to include a web link on kvk.nl based on the above criteria.
  • Web links will remain on the site as long as they meet the above criteria, with the understanding that some web links will only be posted for a certain period of time, such as links related to an event or temporary promotion.
  • KVK determines where to post a link on kvk.nl at its own discretion.
  • KVK reserves the right to deny requests to post a web link on kvk.nl. Reasoned written notice of any such decision will be given to the petitioner, with reference to the criteria.
  • KVK has the ability to remove a web link from kvk.nl at any time, whether in response to third-party complaints or otherwise.

In all cases not covered by the regulations, or in more complicated cases, the KVK Board of Directors shall decide. KVK reserves the right to amend these regulations.

General terms of use for the KVK logo

Business Register information Terms of Use, in Dutch