Filing financial statements

Many businesses have to file their financial statement by law. It opens up your company's financial information to anyone interested.

Entrepreneurs in the business classes micro, small, and middle-sized can only file digitally.

  • From 1 January 2025, large businesses can file electronically using SBR voluntarily (but legally valid).
  • From 1 January 2026, they must file electronically using SBR over the previous book year. 

Filing sensitive personal information

KVK requests that the persons and organisations filing execute extreme caution when including sensitive (special) personal information in the financial statement, since these are available to the public. Think of real signatures, or photographs of directors, employees, or clients. More information via

Am I required to file annual reports and accounts?

Do you have to file financial statements? It depends on your legal business structure. Find out what applies to your situation. What does this mean for you?

Find out if your filed financial statements have arrived

Want to know if KVK has received your financial statements? You can easily check whether they were filed properly and have been processed. Get busy