Step 5 of 5

Ask for help

When you hit a rough patch, it is good to know you do not have to do it all alone. It is good to ask friends and relatives to help, but you can also enlist professionals. They will listen to you and give you useful advice.

Tailored advice from the KVK Advice Team

Switching to a new business model does not have to be done alone. The advisers of the KVK Advice Team think critically with you. About an additional service or a new client group. Or refer you to one of our partners.

Entrepreneurs' sounding board thinks about your business model

Is your business model profitable enough or do you need to adjust it? An experienced entrepreneurial advisor can think along about your business model. So you can look to the future with fresh eyes. Register with Ondernemersklankbord via

Future check of VNO-NCW and MKB-Nederland

You are considering a new business model. Then it helps to have a quick insight into your financial liquidity and to see how your company could be in different scenarios. Do the Future Check (in Dutch).