Step 1 of 5

Does your organisation have to report UBOs?

Are you preparing a UBO report for more than 1 organisation? Register UBOs for each KVK number that has one of the legal structures mentioned.

Religious societies

Certain organisations with 'kerkgenootschap' (religious scoiety) as their legal structure also have to register UBOs. These societies will receive a letter from KVK. Religious societies only have to register UBOs if: 

  • registration in the Business Register is required for the organisation, and
  • there is no Dutch umbrella organisation (no higher level) that supersedes your organisation  

To register UBOs for religious societies, fill in form 34 (only available in Dutch). Send it to KVK Amsterdam, Postbus 2852, 1000 CW Amsterdam.

Are you not sure whether or not your organisation has to register UBOs? Call KVK on 088 585 15 85. We can help you.

These legal structures do not have to register UBOs

  • sole poprietorships / sole traders (eenmanszaken)
  • private and public limited companies (bvs and nvs) that operate on the stock exchange
  • 100% subsidiaries of limited companies that operate on the stock exchange
  • owners’ associations (VvE)
  • legal structures in formation (for example, a bv or nv in oprichting)
  • associations with limited legal capacity and without commercial activities
  • statutory bodies
  • other private bodies, including historical legal entities like guilds and courtyards (hofjes)

Foreign legal structures, like an Ltd or GmbH, and foreign legal structures that only have branch offices in the Netherlands, do not have to register UBOs in the Netherlands.

This page is part of the UBO report preparation pages.

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