Step 4 of 5

Ask for help

You do not have to make the decision to continue or quit yourself. Get help and advice from these organisations and professionals.

KVK Advice team

The advisors of the KVK Advice team think along with you about an additional service, your financing opportunities or how to stop your business in a controlled way. They look for solutions. If necessary, they will put you in touch with one of the partners in the KVK network.

The partners in the network each have their own specialism or area of interest:

Entrepreneurial interests and advice

The Netherlands has several organisations that represent the interests of entrepreneurs. Well-known are SME-Nederland/VNO-NCW (in Dutch) and Ondernemend Nederland (in Dutch). There are also parties that represent specific target groups. For example:

You can go to them for information and advice.

Help with coaching

Entrepreneurs soundboard (OKB) offers entrepreneurial coaching. OKB advisers will help you for 6 months with complicated issues such as the transition to a new business model.

Help with debts

Is your business in financial trouble, can you no longer pay your debts and are you in danger of quitting or even going bankrupt?

Assess the viability of your business and work with you to find a solution so you can continue to do business.

Business assistance

Several organisations offer information and help to improve your business operations. Think, for example, of advice on finance or personnel. Via the online platform Geldfit Zakelijk (in Dutch), you can take an online test to gain insight into your company's financial situation. This helps to get your company financially fit again.

Do you have questions about hiring or firing staff? Then the Employee Insurance Agency, UWV can help you further. And municipalities can support self-employed professionals in their reorientation.

Help with financing

Getting help from professionals boost the chances of getting financing. There are various organisations such as Qredits and Netherlands Enterprise Agency, RVO that can help you on your way if you want to invest in your business or need financing for other reasons.

Emotional help

A crisis affects you not only in business terms. Emotionally, you and those around you sometimes suffer as well. Do you need mental or social support? Then you can turn to De Luisterlijn (The Listening Line, in Dutch) or MIND korrelatie (in Dutch). Do not forget that you can always contact your general practioner (huisarts) or municipality. And also family, friends, fellow entrepreneurs or a sector organisation.

With all the information, advice and help, you can draw your conclusions in the next step.

KVK Advice team

Want to know more about the organisations that can help you further? Discuss the options with the advisers from the KVK Advice team. They will listen to you and have contact with organisations from the KVK network. Call 088 585 22 22.