Step 5 of 5

Draw your conclusions

In the previous steps, you have voiced your expectations and looked at options and challenges for your company. Perhaps you have enlisted the help of a professional. Now, you have an important decision to make. Will you continue your business, or is it wiser to quit?

Continue with your business

Do you want to continue your business? And do the figures show that your business will generate enough income in the coming years to pay all your bills? And will you still have an income left over? Then your business is usually viable. Implement your plans and keep a close eye on your finances so your business can continue.

Do you temporarily have less income? In that case, you can get part-time employment or apply for a Decree on Social Assistance to the Self-Employed (BBZ benefit) to supplement your income.

Step-by-step plan dealing with debts

Do you have debts that are preventing you from continuing your business? The step-by-step plan Dealing with debts shows you how to solve debts and who can help you.

Ending your business

Do you have doubts about the viability of your business because the figures show your business is no longer making enough money? And has business ownership become too hard for you? Then ending your business is often wiser than continuing. This is a difficult decision.

Step-by-step plan

With this step-by-step plan Ending your business you can settle things properly. It also tells you more about your income during and after the end of your business. Also explore the possibilities of a new direction after ending your business.

KVK Advice team

Call the experienced advisors of the KVK Advice team. They will think along with you about follow-up steps for your business. They provide advice and refer you to organisations in the KVK network. Call 088 585 22 22.