Export documents: current developments

News about documents required for import and export.

1. Legalisation for a lease declaration abroad

If you travel abroad in someone else's car, you sometimes need a power of attorney. For example, for a leased car. This power of attorney is also called a lease statement.


You have a construction company and several company cars. One of your employees goes on holiday in Morocco using a company car. They need a lease statement for this. You go about getting one like this:

You contact the consulate or embassy of the country where the car will be used. You draw up the lease statement on your company's stationery. It has to be signed by someone in your company who is authorised to sign. Some countries require KVK to legalise the lease statement. Read how to arrange legalisation for your trip to:

See this example of a lease statement for Morocco (in Dutch). 
Besides Morocco, you need a lease statement in Tunesia, Türkiye, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and Algeria.

The owner of the car applies for the legalisation digitally from KVK. A visa service or customs broker can handle this digital request. Contact details can be found online by searching for ‘consular legalisation’, ‘embassy legalisation’, or ‘customs brokers’. Check the options and costs in advance.

2. ATA carnet for the Philippines

From 15 July 2024, you can apply for an ATA carnet if you are temporarily taking products to the Philippines. You can use an ATA carnet in the Philippines for:

  • Professional equipment, such as tools, cameras, and sound equipment. 
  • Items you use for exhibitions or fairs.
  • Trade samples.

Read how to use and apply for an ATA carnet.

3. EU-New Zealand trade treaty 

On 1 May 2024, the free trade agreement between the EU and New Zealand entered into force. This means that you can import products from New Zealand more cheaply. You pay less import duty. The condition is that the products are of preferential origin from New Zealand. This also applies to EU products that you export to New Zealand. The required proof of preferential origin is a statement on origin.