Shielding a visiting address in the case of a probable threat
- Edited 20 March 2024
- 1 min
Is there a probable threat to you, or a foreseeable risk that something may happen? Then you can apply to shield the visiting address of your business. The following rules apply:
- Your visiting address is the same as your home address;
- You are in a situation of probable threat due to activities linked to your profession or due to the professional practice of a co-resident. Agreements on this have made with your, or your co-resident's, sector or industry organisation;
- Shielding is possible for existing and new registrations, and for new visiting addresses;
- The visiting address belongs to a sole proprietorship ('eenmanszaak'), general partnership (vof), professional partnership ('maatschap'), association ('vereniging'), or foundation ('stichting'). European legislation makes it impossible to shield the addresses of limited liability companies such as the private or public limited company (bv or nv);
- In addition to the address to be shielded, you must list a postal address with a different address than your home or visiting address. That can also be a PO Box.
With which organisations have agreements been made?
Agreements have been signed with the organisations listed below. Check the information on these pages to see if you are covered by the agreement and whether you can apply for shielding due to probable threat on that basis.
- Covenant Goede Doelen Nederland
- Covenant Senate of the States General
- Covenant Public Prosecution Service
- Covenant House of Representatives of the States General
- Covenant Dutch Association of Journalists (NVJ)
- Convenant Beroepsvereniging van professionals sociaal werk (BPSW)
- Convenant Brancheorganisatie Voor Professionele Bewindvoerders (NBBI)
- Convenant Horus Branchevereniging voor wettelijk vertegenwoordigers
- Convenant The Netherlands Bar (NOvA)
- Convenant Council for the Judiciary
- Decentralised political public office holders
- Royal Dutch Association of Civil-law Notaries (KNB)
- Convenant Royal Dutch Organisation of Bailiffs (KBvG)
Role of sector organisations
Sector organisations will play a role in the new legal provision. KVK and the Ministry of Economic Affairs want to come to agreements with sector organisations about shielding in case of a probable threat to the entire professional group. This concerns professions which run a higher risk of encountering threatening situations. Once agreements have been made on this, KVK will be able to process the shielding request faster. Sector organisations that feel there is a likely risk of probable threat to their professional group are invited to contact KVK via You can also do this via your sector organisation.
Is address shielding not possible?
If address shielding is not an option, you can still decide to move your business to an address other than your residential address. For example, a shared business location, or your accountant’s address, if they give you permission. Please keep in mind that the old visiting address will still be visible in the historical data of your business registration.
Learn more about shielding your business address and the available options.