Products and orders

We are frequently asked these questions.

Ordering a Business Register extract

You easily can order a KVK Business Register Extract for your own or another business online:

  • search for the business in the Business Register (in Dutch) by business name or KVK number;
  • select the business;
  • choose ‘uittreksel Handelsregister’ (Business Register Extract) and the required type;
  • complete the order.

Read more about the various types of KVK extracts.

  • Use the Search function (‘Zoeken’, in Dutch) to find the business;
  • Search by KVK number or business name;
  • Select your business;
  • Choose ‘uittreksel’ (extract) and then the required type;
  • Complete the order.

Read more about the various types of KVK Business Register Extract.

The digitally certified KVK Business Register Extract is also available in English. To order, do the following:

  • Search for the business in the Business Register by name, address, or KVK number.
  • Select the business.
  • Go to 'uittreksels' (extracts) and select a digital ('Digitaal gewaarmerkt') or paper ('Papieren gewaarmerkt') certified extract. Select your payment method. You will need to select 'KVK account' and log in.
  • Then select 'English'.

The English variant is identical to the Dutch extract, with the exception of the translation of a number of text fields. A generic translation of these is not available, as the interpretation of that content may differ per country.

No, not everyone accepts the English-language KVK Business Register Extract. A number of details are not translated. This is because no common translation of these is possible. Sometimes organisations ask for the Dutch extract to be included. Or for the English version to be legalised with a stamp from a civil-law notary or embassy. Find out in advance if the party you are doing business with will accept an English-language extract.

Most of the standard field names, such as the address, name, and authority, are translated. Where that is impossible because there is no standard translation, you must use the Dutch-language extract. The details concerned are:

  • the description of the business activities (the SBI code is translated).
  • described details about the limitations of a power of attorney.
  • references to judgments of a foreign court.
  • certain job titles of officials.

A KVK Business Register Extract shows a company’s details as they stand at the time the extract is requested. So if changes are made subsequently, the details in the extract will no longer be up to date. That is why most companies request an extract of no more than 1 month old.

A certified KVK Business Register Extract provides assurance that the extract is from the KVK Business Register. It is official proof of registration. That is why some organisations require a certified extract.

The paper and digitally certified KVK Business Register Extracts are certified.

The preview of an extract, or a printed copy of a digitally certified extract are not certified. These are not suitable for official use.

You can order a digitally certified KVK Business Register Extract with or without an access code.

If you want to add a reference to your order? Then you must order with an access code.

If you pay directly with iDEAL or credit card, you will not receive an invoice. Please use your bank statement as proof of payment.

You can pay for a digitally certified extract in Dutch or English using iDEAL or a credit card.

Please note: orders paid for with iDEAL or by credit card are anonymous, so you will not receive an invoice for your order.

Both the digitally certified KVK Business Register Extract and the paper certified KVK Business Register Extract are suitable for official use. Before requesting a digitally authenticated extract, check with the receiving organisation whether they accept it. For example, to register a car at the post office, you usually need a printed certified extract. Printing a copy of a digitally certified extract is not accepted as an official document.

Ordering other products

  • Go to 'Ordering Business Register products'
  • Under 'Filed documents', click 'Order'
  • Search for the business in the Business Register, by name or KVK number
  • Select the business and click 'bestellen' ('order')
  • Choose ‘documenten' (documents) and the required type
  • Complete the order

You can request the following documents via the website:

  • Memoranda and articles of association flied after 1 June 2013 (except those of VvE's).
  • The newest deeds of bvs and nvs set up after 1 January 2011.
  • All memoranda and articles of association previously requested at our Service Centre.

If the documents are not available online, you can order them by telephone (choose option 2 from the menu). You will receive your product by email or post.

Read more about memoranda and articles of association.

You can order financial statements of all legal entities required to file financial statements, provided that they have complied with their filing obligation.

  • Search for the business in the Business Register via the trade name or the KVK number.
  • Select the business.
  • Choose 'Jaarrekeningen' (annual financial statements) and select the statement you wish to view.
  • Complete the order by clicking the button 'Bestellen'.

Read more about the different types of the annual financial statements.

Details of changes in the Business Register before 23 May 2010 are not available online. Please contact us by phone. Choose option 2 from the spoken menu. 

UBO register details cannot be viewed by everyone. Only authorised bodies can request UBO information.

Are you a UBO yourself? Or an authorised signatory of an organisation with UBOs?  Then view your own UBO details via My KVK.

Does your bank, accountant, or notary require your UBO details? Then show them the confirmation letter that states you are the UBO of an organisation. 

About my order

If you cannot see the email attachment, click ‘Forward’ and send the email to your own email address. The attachment should now be visible. Save the extract and open it with Adobe Reader.

If you use an Apple computer, specific email settings may block an attachment.

That depends on the type of extract you order. The version for information purposes will appear on your screen immediately. The digitally certified KVK Business Register Extract will be emailed to you as a PDF file within 10 minutes of your order. The paper certified extract will be posted to you the same day if you order it before 15:00 (CEST).

You can print a digitally certified Business Register Extract, but the printed document will not be legally valid. If you want to use the digitally certified extract for official purposes, you must forward the original email with the document attached. This is legally valid and will usually be accepted.

A KVK Business Register Extract for a dissolved business can serve as a proof of deregistration. You can order the extract online.

Ordering online

  • Select 'Search' from the KVK English homepage to search in the Business Register
  • The KVK search page will open. This is in Dutch
  • Click on the filter icon marked 'Alle filters'. Under 'Inschrijvingsstatus' (registration status), tick 'Uitgeschreven' (deregistered)
  • To apply the filter choices, click the button marked 'Pas filters toe' (apply filters)
  • Fill in the data of the business
  • Press the 'Zoeken' button (Search)
  • Select the correct business location/registration
  • Next to 'Uittreksel Handelsregister' (KVK Business Register Extract) click the 'Bestellen' button (Order)
  • Complete the order process. If you choose to pay via your KVK account, the sales process is available in English

Please note: to order deregistrations dating from before 1 January 2011, you will need an access code.

Did you expect to receive the product by email? Check if the email is in your spam or junk folder. Did you order the product today using an access code? Please order the product again. We will not charge additional costs in this case. Did you order the product before today and paid with iDEAL or credit card? If so, please contact us.

You can find your orders under Mijn account (My account, in Dutch):

  • Click on ‘inloggen’ (log in – top right);
  • Select ‘Handelsregister’ (Business Register);
  • Enter your access code and password;
  • Select the period next to ‘Bestellingen’ (Orders).

You will immediately see which products you have ordered.

If your organisation has several login codes, there will be one main account and one access code, which you can use to request the full list of login codes. Above the table, you will see which members of your organisation can view these details. If you do not know which is the main user’s or administrator’s access code, please contact us.

You can export your orders in 'Mijn account' to an Excel file, or another program:

  • Click on download
  • Download the order overview
  • You will receive a CSV file
  • How to open the CSV file in Excel or another program depends on the software version.

Below are the most common steps within Excel:

  • Open the file
  • Select column A
  • Select Text to columns (usually on the 'data' tab)
  • A help window opens
  • Choose separate > next
  • Celect comma > next
  • Select finish

VAT and invoices

KVK's products and services are VAT exempt. See also our tariffs.

Changing your bank account number can only be done when you are logged into your account (in Dutch). Log in to Mijn Account with your access code and password. When changing your bank account number, enter the full IBAN number.

You will find a list of your orders under My account:

  • log in to My account with your access code and password;
  • click on the link for Orders;
  • you will now be able to see a list of your online orders. You can filter the list by period;
  • you can also download it.

If your organisation has several login codes, you will only be able to use the login code for the main user or administrator to view the list. You will see this access code or its reference under (Orders).

If you do not know which code is the access code for the main user or administrator, you should contact us.

You will not receive an invoice for orders of extracts that you pay directly with iDEAL or credit card. KVK does not store your data, and its products and services are exempt from VAT. Therefore, you will not receive an invoice from us.

You can view the details of the payment in your bank or credit card statement. You can use this as proof of payment.

Would you like to receive an invoice for future purchases? Request a free access code and choose direct debit (‘automatische incasso’). You will receive a monthly invoice to pay for your purchases.