Owners’ associations (VVEs), associations, and foundations

We are frequently asked these questions.

Vereniging (association)

Association with full legal capacity

You must visit a notary (in Dutch) to set up a vereniging (association) with full legal capacity. Once it has been set up, the notary usually registers it with the Business Register.

Association with limited legal capacity

You do not have to visit a notary to set up an association with limited legal capacity. It is not compulsory to register such an association with KVK. However, registration is still advisable. Directors are jointly and severally liable, but can limit their liability by registering in the Business Register. After registration, they are liable only if creditors demonstrate that the association has not fulfilled its obligations.

Documents for registering an association with limited legal capacity

Do you want to register an association in the Business Register? You should collect the following documents for an association with limited legal capacity and send them to the KVK's postal address.

  • form 5 (registering a foundation or association);
  • form 22 (registering an executive staff member of a foundation or association);
  • a copy of a valid form of identification for each director;
  • a written copy of the memorandum and articles of association, certified by the board of management, if available (every page initialled and the last page signed by the directors).

Registration forms

All KVK forms.

Confirmation and registration costs

After registration, we will send you a written confirmation and an invoice for the registration fee by post. You can request a certified KVK Business Register Extract immediately.

To register a new enterprise or organisation, you must pay a registration fee. If you want to purchase a certified KVK Extract from the Business Register when you register, you can do this directly. 

You register a director online. You can read how to do this in our article 'Reporting a board change for a stichting, vereniging, or VvE'.

Report an additional branch (office) using our website.

  • Go to ‘Wijzigen’ (changes, in Dutch)
  • Search for and select the association/foundation
  • Click on 'Nieuwe vestiging inschrijven' (register a new branch)
  • Complete the steps and submit the information online or by post.

Additional supporting documents

Is the visiting address not the same as the private address of a registered official? Then provide 1 of the following documents as proof that you may use this address as the visiting address for the establishment of the association or foundation:

  • a copy of the lease, purchase, or tenancy agreement signed by both parties, or
  • a certificate from the Land Registry Office (Kadaster), or
  • a declaration of consent

Do I need to register or not?

If the branch is in use for the activities of the stichting or foundation for longer than 6 months, you need to register it. Still in doubt about whether or not to register the branch?

Then check the flowchart for registration of branches for foundations and associations (in Dutch).

To dissolve the vereniging (association), the general meeting of the members must first pass a dissolution decision. Does the association have articles of association? Then check in the articles of association how this resolution should be taken.
In the article 'Dissolving a legal entity', you can read how to submit the dissolution decision and deregister the legal entity at KVK, and what else may be needed.

Because a legal entity without a board cannot function, you must register a new board member. Go here to report a change, enter the name of the association, and follow the steps. Only a legally appointed board member (according to the articles of association) or a civil-law notary can complete this registration.

The new board member handles the registration

If the new board member handles their own registration for this role, they must provide proof that it is a legally valid appointment. This can be a signed declaration from the members' meeting.

Rules for appointing the board

It is important that the membership records are correct and that the invitation to the membership meeting and appointment are done according to the rules. You can find these rules in the association's articles of association. Is it an informal association and are there no articles of association? Then comply with the association’s house rules.

Registration at KVK

To register a new board member, use the registration form on our website and collect:

  • the minutes of the meeting showing the appointment
  • a copy of the signed attendance list of the members’ meeting
  • written evidence of good membership records as well as inviting and deciding the membership meeting according to the articles of association
  • a copy of a valid identity document of each new member

Send the signed and completed forms together with the above documents to the KVK postal address.

Please note: does the association have a registered business and are the new members natural persons? Then the new board members(s) must identify themselves in person at a KVK office. Make an appointment to do so.

Change of visiting address, postal address, or contact details

Does the visiting address, postal address, telephone number, or email address of the association also change? Then click to make changes again to update these details. Send the signed and completed forms together with the above documents to the KVK postal address.

UBO register

An association with full legal capacity or an association with limited legal capacity with a registered business are obliged to register UBOs in the UBO register. You can use the step-by-step plan on our website to determine who the association’s UBOs are.

Stichting (foundation)

You must set up a stichting (foundation) with a deed executed before a civil-law notary. Once it is set up, the civil-law notary registers it in the Business Register.

Register the foundation yourself

If you want to register the foundation yourself, gather the following documents and send them to the KVK postal address:

  • A validated copy of the notarial deed of incorporation
  • Form 5: Registering a foundation, association, or owners' association
  • Form 22: Registering an official of a foundation, association, or owners' association
  • Form 31: Registration UBO for a Stichting
  • A copy of a valid form of ID for each director


You can download all the necessary forms from our website.

Confirmation and registration fee

After registration, we will send you written confirmation of your registration and an invoice for the registration fee by post. You can apply directly for a certified KVK Business Register Extract.

To register a new enterprise or organisation, you must pay a registration fee. If you want to purchase a certified KVK Extract from the Business Register when you register, you can do this directly. 

You register a director online. You can read how to do this in our article 'Reporting a board change for a stichting, vereniging, or VvE'.

Report an additional branch (office) using our website.

  • Go to ‘Wijzigen’ (changes, in Dutch)
  • Search for and select the association/foundation
  • Click on 'Nieuwe vestiging inschrijven' (register a new branch)
  • Complete the steps and submit the information online or by post.

Additional supporting documents

Is the visiting address not the same as the private address of a registered official? Then provide 1 of the following documents as proof that you may use this address as the visiting address for the establishment of the association or foundation:

  • a copy of the lease, purchase, or tenancy agreement signed by both parties, or
  • a certificate from the Land Registry Office (Kadaster), or
  • a declaration of consent

Do I need to register or not?

If the branch is in use for the activities of the stichting or foundation for longer than 6 months, you need to register it. Still in doubt about whether or not to register the branch?

Then check the flowchart for registration of branches for foundations and associations (in Dutch).

To dissolve the stichting (foundation), the board of directors must first pass a dissolution decision. Check the foundation's articles of association to find out how to take this decision. In the article 'Dissolving a legal entity', you can read how to submit the dissolution decision and how to deregister the foundation at KVK, and what else may be needed.

Because a legal entity without a board cannot function, you must register a new director. Report a change online (in Dutch), enter the name of the foundation, and follow the steps. Only a director appointed according to the rules (see articles of association) or a Dutch civil-law notary may make this declaration.

The new director handles the registration

If the new director does the registration themself, we need the following documents:

  • the registration form for a new officer. Go to 'Report a change', search for your foundation, and choose 'official(s)' (functionaris(sen) in Dutch) 
  • a copy of the minutes of the meeting signed by the old board, stating that the old board duly appointed the new director(s)
  • written proof that this meeting was organised according to the rules (see articles of association)
  • a copy of valid identification of each new director

Send the completed, printed, and signed forms and documents to the KVK postal address.

Please note: Does the foundation have a registered business? Then the new director(s) must identify themselves in person at a KVK office. Make an appointment to do so.

Change of visiting address, postal address, or contact details

Does the foundation's visiting address, postal address, telephone number, or email address change too? Then click Report changes again to update these details. Send the signed and completed forms together with the above documents to the KVK postal address.

UBO register

A foundation is obliged to register UBOs in the UBO register. You can use the step-by-step plan on our website to determine who the foundation’s UBOs are.

Are there no more (former) directors?

If the last director resigns, the articles of association state what happens to the foundation: dissolution, or appointment of a new board.

Are there no (former) directors left? And are there no supervisory directors or members of a supervisory board who can appoint a director according to the articles of association? Then see if the articles of association state what you can do. If nothing is specified, the court can appoint directors. An interested party (e.g. a volunteer working for that foundation) or the public prosecutor can apply for this.

Vve (owner's association)

A newly established VvE is usually registered for you by a civil-law notary.

Is your VvE not yet registered? You can read how to do this in the article Registering an owners’ association.

As long as the division of the property has not been annulled, so as long as the owner’s association (VvE) still exists, it must be registered in the Business Register. A VvE can only be dissolved after annulment of the division by a deed executed before a civil-law notary.

Register a VvE with KVK

If you want to register a VvE that was set up before 1 July 2008, you will need the following documents:

  • Form 5: registering a foundation, association, or owners' association
  • Form 22: registering an executive staff member of a foundation, association, or owners' association without a company
  • A copy of a valid form of ID for each official of the VvE
  • A copy of the deed of division, validated by a director. 'Validated' means: director initials on each page and director signatures on the last page
  • A copy of the minutes of the meeting attesting to appointment of the director(s), signed by the director(s)
  • A copy of the attendance register, signed by all owners in attendance at the meeting

If you do not have the deed of division, you can order a paid copy from the Netherlands Kadaster (Land Registry and Mapping Agency, in Dutch).

Submitting forms and documents

Download all required forms from our website.
Send the forms completed and signed to the KVK postal address.

Confirmation and registration fee

After registration, we will send a registration confirmation and an invoice for the registration fee by post. You can immediately order a certified KVK Business Register Extract.

Yes, you must still register an owners’ association (VvE), even if the apartments rights are held by a single owner. An association usually arises when there is more than 1 member. In the case of a VvE, the association arises because there are multiple apartment rights. These apartments rights can be owned by 1 or more owners.

To register a new enterprise or organisation, you must pay a registration fee. If you want to purchase a certified KVK Extract from the Business Register when you register, you can do this directly. 

You register a director online. You can read how to do this in our article 'Reporting a board change for a stichting, vereniging, or VvE'.

The board of an Association of Owners (VvE) can consist of members (appartment owners), but this is not mandatory. The general members' meeting can also appoint an external director. The board consists of one or more persons. Often, the division deed states that it must be an odd number.

Until 1992, the law used the term 'administrator', but it now uses 'director'. However, in addition to the director, a VvE can still appoint an administrator as an authorised representative. In these cases, the administrator may, for example, be an organisation that manages VvEs professionally.

If the VvE does not have a board, first organise a meeting with the owners. You can appoint the board at this meeting. The board consists of the owners and/or an outside party.

Board appointment rules

Certain rules apply to the appointment. These rules are set out in the deed of division of the VvE or in the model agreement referenced in the deed of division.

Registration with KVK

We need the following documents to register the new director(s):

  • new officer registration form: go to ‘wijzigen’ (change), look up the VvE, and then select ‘functionaris inschrijven’ (register official);
  • a copy of a valid form of ID for the new director(s);
  • a copy of the minutes of the meeting attesting to appointment of the director(s), signed by the director(s);
  • a copy of the attendance register, signed by all owners in attendance at the meeting.

Next, send the signed and completed forms with the above documents to the KVK postal address.

Change of visiting address, postal address or contact details

Has the VvE’s visiting address, postal address, telephone number or email address also changed? Then click to make changes again to update these details. Send the signed and completed forms together with the above documents to the KVK postal address.

Are there board members who no longer respond to attempts to contact them?

First call a meeting. The VvE's articles of association explain how to remove a board member. You can then appoint a new board member.

Please note: this online process is only available in Dutch. For a full English process, you can print, fill out, and submit English-language forms.

The owners’ association (VvE) is terminated by a notarial deed of termination of the division. You can do so using a deed of dissolution, issued by a civil-law notary. You can deregister the VvE using Form 17a ('Register the dissolution of a legal entity'). Send this form by post along with an original copy of the deed, certified by the civil-law notary.

How do you report a dissolution to KVK?

If you have decided on dissolution, 2 situations are possible:

  1. The VvE has been dissolved, but still holds assets.
  2. The VvE has been dissolved and does not hold any more assets.
1. It still holds assets

In this case, the VvE continues to exist for the liquidation of the assets. Complete the form as follows:

  • For question 2.1, enter the date of dissolution.
  • For question 3.1, tick 'yes', there are assets at the time of dissolution.
  • For question 3.2 and below, enter the details of the party that will handle liquidation of the assets (liquidator).
  • For question 5, indicate if the VvE has a business and what will happen to it.
  • For question 6, sign the form. If filling in the English form, be sure to also sign the Dutch version of the form.
More information

Is there a liquidation of assets and is the liquidator not yet known in the Business Register? If so, state the surname, first names, and date of birth of the liquidator in the resolution to dissolve, and enclose a copy of a valid proof of identity of the liquidator.

2. It does not hold any more assets (fast-track liquidation)

In this case, the VvE ceases to exist because it does not hold any more assets. Complete the form as follows:

  • For question 2.1, enter the date of dissolution.
  • For question 3.1, tick 'no', there are no assets at the time of dissolution.
  • For question 4.1, enter the details of the party keeping the financial records and other official documents of the VvE. 
  • For question 5, indicate if the VvE has a business and what will happen to it.
  • For question 6, sign the form. If filling in the English form, be sure to also sign the Dutch version of the form.

The Temporary Act Transparency Fast-track Liquidation does not apply to VvE's.

Submit form

Send the completed and signed form to the KVK postal address with the following documents enclosed:

  • An original copy of the deed attesting to annulment of the division, certified by the civil-law notary.
  • A copy of a valid form of ID for the signatory.

Financial consequences

The dissolution and deregistration of your VvE may affect, for example, permits from the municipality, financing, insurance, pension funds, or bank accounts of the VvE. For example, you will no longer be able to access the business bank account. Check the website of the relevant (financial) institution to find out what steps to take if the VvE ceases to exist.

You do not have to provide the model regulations. You just specify which model regulations you are using. Does the VvE have an addendum or amendment to this agreement? Or does it have an agreement other than a model agreement? Then submit the full version.

The model agreements are available at www.notaris.nl (in Dutch).

Has the Home Owners' Association (VvE) been established with model regulations? Then select one of the model regulations on Form 5 (register a foundation or association). You can find the model regulations at www.notaris.nl. Does the VvE use one of the model regulations with an extension or addition? Enclose a (signed) copy of this extension or addition.

Was the VvE established with a different set of regulations and you do not have this? Request these regulations from the notary who drew up the deed of subdivision.

Does the notary office where the deed of subdivision was drawn up no longer exist? You can find the successor in the 'Opvolgersarchief' on Notaris.nl (in Dutch). 

According to the law, apartment buildings established before 1 December 1972 were not required to set up an owner’s association (VvE). If an association was not set up at that time or since then, the rights and obligations of the co-owners are set out in the deed of division. If you have a deed of division from before 1 December 1972 and neither this deed nor any addenda refer to a VvE, you are not required to register an association.

Register an association with KVK

An association may be what is known as an 'association with limited legal capacity'. You may voluntarily enter an association of this kind in the Business Register. You will need the following documents:

  • Form 5 (register a foundation or association). This is to register an association with limited legal capacity
  • Form 22 (register an executive staff member of a foundation or association). This is to register the officers of an association
  • A copy of a valid form of ID for each director of the association
  • A copy of the deed of division, validated by a director. 'Validated' means: director initials on each page and director signatures on the last page
  • A copy of the minutes of the meeting attesting to appointment of the director(s), signed by the director(s)
  • A copy of the attendance register, signed by all owners in attendance at the meeting

If you do not have the deed of division, you can order a copy from the Netherlands’ Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency (in Dutch, for a fee).

KVK registration forms

All KVK forms.

Submit registration forms and documents

Send the forms and documents to the KVK postal address.

After registration, we will send a registration confirmation and an invoice for the one-time registration fee by post. You can immediately request a certified KVK Extract.

About my changes

You can report a change of address online.

  • Choose ‘Wijzigen’ (change, in Dutch)
  • Enter your business name or KVK number.
  • Select ‘Gegevens van de vestiging wijzigen' (Change business branch details)
  • Follow the steps and submit the details digitally or by post.

Additional documentation

If the visiting address is not the same as your home address, submit 1 of the following documents to show that you are permitted to use this address as a visiting address for your enterprise:

  • a copy of the rental, purchase, or lease agreement, signed by both parties; or
  • a certificate from the Dutch Land Registry Office; or
  • a declaration of consent.

Private address

If your private address is also changing, you should first notify your local Personal Records Database (BRP) of the municipality.

How quickly we process your change depends on how you communicate your change to us.

  • Are you submitting the change online? We process digital changes within 2 days.
  • Are you submitting the change by post? We will process it within 15 working days after receiving it.

If the information you provide is not complete, we will contact you.

After your change has been processed in the Business Register, you will receive official confirmation by letter, or digitally via your Message Box account. Are you submitting the change online? Then you will also receive confirmation by email.

We cannot provide information about the status of the processing between the time of receipt and processing.

Are you submitting a change for a future date? Then you will only see the change in the Business Register on that date. The Business Register always shows the current situation.

First, change your private address with your local municipality. They will pass this information to us. Then we will automatically change your private address.

Is the visiting address of your business or organisation the same as your private address? Then you must inform us directly of the change of your visiting address. For sole proprietorships, this can be done via My eenmanszaak. For other legal structures, you can report a change online. But only do this after you have informed the municipality about the change of your private address. This means we do not have to ask you for additional proof.

Private address abroad

Do you live abroad and are you registered in the Non-residents Records Database (RNI)? Submit the change of your private address to 1 of the 19 RNI desks. We will then change your private address automatically.

Not registered in the RNI? Then pass on the change of your private address to us using form 16 (for a sole proprietorship) or report a change for other legal structures. Print the form, sign it, and send it together with a copy of a valid proof of identity to the KVK postal address. Also send proof of the new private address.

It is free to submit a change. For a registration of a new business or for a continuation, acquisition, merger, or demerger that involves a new entry in the Business Register with a new KVK number, you must pay a registration fee.

New KVK extract

After the change is made, you can order a KVK Business Register Extract. There is a fee for this.