Starting a business

We are frequently asked these questions.


It is possible to start a part-time business next to your job. You continue to work for your boss, while devoting a (large) part of your spare time to your own business. The same rules that apply to full-time entrepreneurship, also apply to part-time entrepreneurship. It is advisable to inform your employer of your plans.
Even for a part-time entrepreneur, it is important to be well-prepared before you start. Investigate your options and get started with this handy checklist.

Go to Dreaming of your own business to find out if being an entrepreneur suits you. And what could be the advantages of having your own business.

That depends on whether your business fulfils the criteria for a business. If it does, you are required to register.

We use 3 criteria to determine whether you have a business:

  1. You supply goods and/or services. Or you are preparing to do so. For example, you have already started buying products.
  2. You demand more than symbolic payment for this. Or a (commercial) price or hourly rate that makes you money. Think of making a profit or cutting costs. So it is not a hobby that only costs money and does not make a profit.
  3. You regularly provide goods and services to people other than just your family or friends.

Do you meet these 3 entrepreneurial criteria? Then you can register your business at KVK.

There are also 4 additional questions that say something about entrepreneurship and help you decide if registration is necessary.

Additional questions

  1. Do you invest money and/or time to start or grow your company?
  2. Do you work in your own business on a regular basis, as opposed to a one-off assignment? You should also register large one-off activities, such as Christmas tree sales.
  3. Will you be working for more than 1 client? If you have a single client over a longer period of time, it is more likely that you are in salaried employment.
  4. Do you decide when and how you do your work? Even if you get hired by a client. Does that apply to you too?

Are you in doubt? Check out the examples on how to deal with these 3 criteria and 4 questions.

There are various options for starting your own business when you are receiving a benefit. The Order on the provision of assistance for self-employed persons (‘Bijstandsbesluit Zelfstandigen’) offers some possibilities for those receiving financial assistance. You can find out more about this from your local municipal authority. If you receive unemployment benefit and want to start your own business, you should first consult the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) to discuss the options for starting a business while retaining your unemployment benefit. If you are retired and want to start your own business while receiving your state retirement pension (AOW), your pension will not be affected, but there may be tax implications.

Are you not registered with KVK number but have a VAT number? Then you can send an invoice. An invoice must meet certain conditions.

Do you not have a VAT number? Then you can make a receipt as proof of payment. The receipt states your name and that of your client, what goods or services you provided, the date of delivery, and the amount paid. You sign the receipt to declare that the business paid. You report your income for tax purposes as resultaat overige werkzaamheden (income from other activities, link in Dutch).


Writing a business plan is not mandatory. But it is an important part of preparing for your own business. If you want to take out a loan or want to start while you are on benefits, you will be asked to write a business plan.

Read how you can draw up a business plan and find some links to sample plans.

When you start a business, you need to choose a trade name (business name). Choose a name that is specific to your sector and region. Learn more in our steps for choosing a business name.

We offer consultations via chat, Twitter, or telephone. Our advisers answer all your questions or connect/refer you to a specialist. It is not possible to make an appointment.

Choosing a legal form depends on various economic and personal reasons. For example, with which form do you pay the lowest amount of tax? With how many people are you starting your business? Or, which form provides the best protection against risks? Use the ‘Which legal structure suits your company?’ tool to make a choice based on your situation. Or read more about the different legal forms and key points to consider.

Depending on the sector, you can encounter specific rules, permits or other points of attention. Read more about various starting situations (in Dutch) and what may apply to your sector.

It is not compulsory for a business to file its general terms and conditions, but it is recommended. General terms and conditions are the rules that apply when you sell products or provide services. You can draw up general terms and conditions yourself. Or have them drawn up by a lawyer. Are you a member of a trade or professional organisation? Then you are usually obliged to use the conditions they draw up. Read what you can and cannot put in your general terms and conditions and how to use them properly.

Taxes and financial matters

As an entrepreneur, you want to earn at least the same as if you were working as an employee and cover all your costs. Preferably a bit more, of course. But how do you determine what your services are worth? If your rate is too high, you are pricing yourself out of the market. If the asking price is too low, might give the impression that your work is not worth much. Determine your hourly rate using our step-by-step plan.

No, it is not. You have to list all your additional income in your income tax return (in Dutch). It makes no difference whether or not you are an entrepreneur. 

For example: you received money because you helped someone with their administration. Or you made something for friends or neighbours. Additional income (in Dutch) you receive in cash, by bank transfer, or Tikkie is added to your other income for tax purposes. You may deduct any expenses you incur for the additional earnings from this amount.


Do you have no other income? Then you may not have to pay tax on your additional income, thanks to tax credits (in Dutch). Tax credits reduce the amount of income tax and national insurance contributions you have to pay. The amount you can earn without exceeding your tax credit threshold depends on your personal situation.

The small businesses scheme (KOR) is an exemption from VAT obligations, such as keeping VAT records and filing VAT returns. Entrepreneurs with an annual turnover of up to €20,000 can use this scheme. If you take part in the KOR, you must participate in it for at least 3 years. Before applying, consider the advantages and disadvantages of the KOR.

There are 2 types of insurance:

  • Personal insurances such as sickness benefits, disability, unemployment and your pension.
  • And business insurances such as business liability insurance or insurance for your business premises.

You have to arrange these insurances yourself. Read about the 10 most important insurance policies for starters.

There are many state, provincial, and European Union subsidies and schemes, particularly if your business is involved in innovation or sustainable investment or operates internationally. Read how to apply for subsidies and check this comprehensive list of subsidies.